Wildlife and Habitat Services in Tampa, FL

Wildlife Management
Species Habitat Restoration and Design
Wildlife Ecology Assessments
Pre and Post Development Wildlife and Habitat Management Plans
Endangered Species Permits, Relocation, Management and Monitoring
Wetland and Upland Designs Created to Meet Permit Requirements
Wildlife Populations Censuses
Threatened and Endangered Plant and Animal Censuses Surveys
Endangered Species
As the Florida Endangered and Threatened Species Act notes, this state has more endangered and threatened species than any other state in the continental United States. In order to protect these fragile populations, we must conserve and protect these species as a natural resource. Listed species' habitats are best maintained by understanding the needs of the listed species and directing preservation efforts to meet these needs. Meryman Environmental understands the environmental needs as well as the importance of a cost effective potential development site. If properly planned, both of these needs can be served, enhancing public relations and support for the project in the process. Meryman Environmental offers a wide variety of surveys and services all dealing with wildlife. All reports follow respective county guidelines.
Animal and Plant Species
M.E.I. staff will assess plant and animal species on the client’s property. Any Endangered, Threatened, State Species of Special Concern, Rare or Invasive species will be noted on the final report. The final report will be supplied to the client complete with photo documentation and location maps of problem areas.
Invasive Animal and Plant Species
An Invasive Species Survey is conducted on the client’s property by a M.E.I. staff member. During the site inspection, the staff member will identify and mark the invasive species and their general location. An Invasive Species Removal, Disposal and Management Plan will be put together based upon the plant species identified on site and how long the county agencies determine maintenance and monitoring is required.
Upland and Wetland Habitat Assessment
The goal of this service is to identify any potential problems to the orderly development of the project site. Photo stations are used as a tool to assess potential issue areas. This assessment service also evaluates the quality of wetlands on the project site. M.E.I. reports include photographical documentation, recommendations and observations.
Additional Wildlife Services
Gopher Tortoise Burrow Survey, Permitting and Relocating • American Kestrel Habitat Use and Survey • Bald Eagle Monitoring, Permitting, and Management Plan • Osprey and Eagle Nest Relocation • Migratory Bird Nest Permits and Removal • Scrub Jay Relocation • Sandhill Crane Survey and Report (FDOT & GFC) • Pine Snake Summer Survey and Report • Sand Skink Relocation • Sherman Fox Squirrel Survey and Report (FDOT & GFC) • Grand Oak Root Pruning/ Trimming • Tree Protection Plan Development • Hazardous Tree Risk Assessment • Mangrove Trimming • Grand Oak Evaluation and Hazard Tree Survey • Tree Evaluation for Significant Oaks/Pines