Groundbreaking of new school.
Environmental Services

This Tampa Adventist Academy will provide an Outdoor Environmental Training Complex in addition to its normal classes. An Educational Kiosk greets the students as they begin their journey down a 1,550’ long foot path that will contain over 33 educational stations identifying plants, animals and habitats. As they exit the Trail after crossing the wetland on a foot bridge, they will walk by a colony of bats at their house and an Osprey Nest. In the center of the Aquatics Area is a Wading Bird Rookery Island to educate students on the wildlife that utilize wetland habitats. Teachers have the option to access a dock area next to the school building to conduct water tests and identify plants and animals.
On November 6, 2016, many came out to watch the Groundbreaking of the new school and hear about all the wonderful behind the scene details that are going to take place in the construction of the new campus.